Click on a title to view the content of that Backgrounder:
BACKGROUNDER #1    Government: A Creation of God
BACKGROUNDER #2    Limited Government and "Legislating Morality"
BACKGROUNDER #3   Government and the Uniqueness of Christianity
BACKGROUNDER #4    Marriage: "From the Beginning"
BACKGROUNDER #5    Poverty
BACKGROUNDER #6    Abortion
BACKGROUNDER #7    Public Acknowledgement of Christianity
BACKGROUNDER #8    Homosexuality
BACKGROUNDER #9    How Do We Know What Is Constitutional?
BACKGROUNDER #10   Islam in P.C. America
BACKGROUNDER #11   Churches and Politics
BACKGROUNDER #12   Separation of Church and State
BACKGROUNDER #13   Psalm 78 and America's Lost History
BACKGROUNDER #14   Roe v Wade: Fatal Right to Privacy
BACKGROUNDER #15   The Death Penalty
BACKGROUNDER #16   God's Signature in Washington D.C.
BACKGROUNDER #17   I Tim. 2: Prayer, Politics, and Evangelism
BACKGROUNDER #18   Is America a Christian Nation?
BACKGROUNDER #19   Wars and Rumors of Wars
BACKGROUNDER #20   The Legacy of Lincoln
BACKGROUNDER #21   Founders Breached the Famous "Wall"
BACKGROUNDER #22   Globalism vs. National Sovereignty
BACKGROUNDER #23   The United Nations
BACKGROUNDER #24   Normal Christian Education
BACKGROUNDER #25   Overpopulation
BACKGROUNDER #26   Romans 13: Government as God's Servant
BACKGROUNDER #27   The  Foundational Ten Commandments
BACKGROUNDER #28   Entertainment, Prostitution, and Frog-Boiling
BACKGROUNDER #29   Realities of "Planned Parenthood"
BACKGROUNDER #30   Taxation: "Rendering Unto Caesar"
BACKGROUNDER #31   Immigration: The Stranger within your Gates
BACKGROUNDER #32   Judicial Tyranny: Judges without Limits
BACKGROUNDER #33   The Declaration of Independence
BACKGROUNDER #34   Voting Like a Christian
BACKGROUNDER #35   Same-Sex Parenting
BACKGROUNDER #36   Public Prayer In America
BACKGROUNDER #37   The Humbugging of Christmas
BACKGROUNDER #38   ACLU, Archenemy of Our Biblical Heritage
BACKGROUNDER #39   Evolution and the Bible
BACKGROUNDER #40   Evolution and Public Policy
BACKGROUNDER #41   The NEA:  Radicalizing our Schools
BACKGROUNDER #42   Psalm 2: When Nations Defy God
BACKGROUNDER #43   The Return to Homeschooling
BACKGROUNDER #44   Contracting with your Public School
BACKGROUNDER #45   Free Speech vs. Intolerance
BACKGROUNDER #46   Christ's Resurrection and World Politics
BACKGROUNDER #47   America, a Missionary Nation
BACKGROUNDER #48   Franklin and Those "Deist" Founding Fathers
BACKGROUNDER #49   Socialism, the Bible, and America
BACKGROUNDER #50   Media Bias: Skewing what is "Normal"
BACKGROUNDER #51   Liberal Christians, Conservative Christians
BACKGROUNDER #52   The Forgotten "Free Exercise" Clause
BACKGROUNDER #53   How to Be a Pro-Life Church
BACKGROUNDER #54   Unalienable Divine Rights
BACKGROUNDER #55   "Conservatism" and the Founding Fathers
BACKGROUNDER #56   The Highjacking of Environmentalism
BACKGROUNDER #57   God's Existence:  Government's Controlling Fact
BACKGROUNDER #58   How to Pray for Civic Leaders
BACKGROUNDER #59   The Church's Legacy of Political Influence (I)
BACKGROUNDER #60   The Church's Legacy of Political Influence (II)
BACKGROUNDER #61   Marriage: A Man and a Woman


Backgrounder Numbers Indexed by Topic:

America's Christian History:   3, 7, 13, 16, 18, 36, 47
Bible Studies:
  13, 17, 42, 46,
Christian Citizenship:  11, 34, 58, 59, 60
Christian Theory of Government:  1, 2, 3, 17, 27, 32
Church-State Separation:  12, 21, 52
Education:  24, 41, 43, 44
Evolution-Creation:  39, 40
Founders and Founding Documents:  9, 33, 48, 54, 55
Government and God's Authority:  1, 26, 27, 57
Homosexuality:  8, 35, 61
Philosophies Challenging Christianity:  22, 38, 39, 40, 49, 51
Sanctity of Life:  6, 14, 29, 53
Sanctity of Marriage:  4, 61
Societal Issues:  5, 15, 19, 25, 28, 30 31, 45, 50, 56
(Miscellaneous): 10, 20, 23, 37 

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